Yes those where the days John. I am lucky that I still have a cock - used to wank so much over vids like these almost wore it out lol! Some great mags around in the 80s. Fiesta, Escort (remember Auntie Jayne?), Razzle, Club and Parrade. P.S. I think your Mrs has lovely breasts - do post some more vids of her. John.
At one time there seemed to be loads of these type of video's, would be great to know how they got the models. How they convinced them to pose and how much they got paid. I like the woman at about 12 minutes in the leather skirt, she's hot. She also looks like my ex bosses wife. I alwayshad this idea that it was amateurs who sent these video's in and got say £100 pound for the video. Probably not true. But it was great thinking, that a wife or girlfriend had done this for her man. Not knowing that lots of guys were now watching her and ... Thanks for posting brings back memories and a time of sexual awakening.